What is sensual massage


You might think that the ‘sensual massage’ is another expression for masked sex, but you are wrong. Of course, the sensual massage is very close to a sexual experience, but our girls are not cheap escorts who are making sex with our customers at the end of the massage session, but serious professionals who must be respected, as they respect you.

The benefits of the massage are: it stimulates the muscles and the circulation of the blood, it arouses the sexuality and it mends serious physical and psychological deseases like: Alzheimer desease, cardio-vascular and muscle sickness. It is also very good for the couples, because it enriches their sexual experience. The two members of a couple should use this type of massage before the sexual act as a foreplay and the stimulation of the genital organs. This type of massage is very old in the culture of the mankind and it dates since the antiquity.

The Prostate massage is a sort of minivacation, because it releases you from the daily stress and makes you feel prepared for a new day of work. You will feel rejuvenated, your skin will get back its vitality, your muscles will be stronger and your body will be detoxified. This type of massage had medecine purposes in the past, but today it is used for the arousal of the sexual energy of the body. It is made especially in the erogenous areas of the body. In the case of the women, the masseur will massage the breasts and the pubis. In the case of a man, the masseuse will massage the genitals. (read about what is Prostate massage)

The London sensual massage is a sex therapy who deals with the libido of a person, with the premature ejaculation(in the case of the men) and with the sexual arousal. Everything is a preparation for a good sexual life, without issues. That doesn’t mean that the massage session will end with a sexual intercourse, where you and the masseuse will be the two protagonists, but it’s likely to end with a happy-ending, which is similar to an erotic experience.

Our goddesses have all the necessary arsenal to awaken in you the libido and to stimulate it. The scented oils and lubricants, the relaxing music, the candles lights, everything brings its contribution to the success of the massage session. If you prefer a body to body massage, which is the most sensual massage of all, you’ll have one. If you want a tantric massage, the masseuse won’t say no to you. You can have as well: thai massage, brazilian massage, chinese massage and so on.

Come to our London body to body massage parlour and you’ll enter an atmosphere of sensuality and eroticism. We have rooms painted in different colours: red, green, blue etc. If you are a passional person, you could choose a red room, if you like to relax, you could choose a green or blue room and so on. Our rooms have comfortable beds and chairs, but, if you prefer, you can have your massage session directly on the floor. Everything is clean, beginning with the white sheets, continuing with the towels. Our girls wash their bodies all the time and they smell good. We recommend to you to take a bath before the massage because you could create a bad impression otherwise. The masseuses will work in the sound of a very relaxing music, usually buddhist or indian music, recommended for this type of activity. If you would like to listen another type of relaxation music during your session, you must tell us. But we assure you that we have made the right choice and you will feel deeply relaxed. The scented candles are lightening the obscurity of the massage room and they spread all over the place an exquisite perfume.

We hope that we convinced you and that you are now attracted to our erotic massage London salon. Aren’t you curious to see if what we have described you here is true? You must try our massage to see its effects and its benefits directly on your skin. We are available 24/7 for you and our ladies are waiting for you. We guarantee you one thing: you will have the most sexy masssage of your life!

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