A comparative study on e-banking services between China and USA


A comparative study on e-banking services between China and USA,  by Jiaqin Yang, Li Cheng, Xia Luo. Journal International Journal of Electronic Finance. Volume 3, Number 3/2009, p235-252


This paper describes a comparative study about the issues in the
current e-banking services among the young consumers between two nations:
China vs. USA. As the attitude and usage of young consumers will be a good
indicator for the trend of e-banking service in the future, and different cultures
and traditions will play a role in the development of e-banking industry
among different nations, this comparative study provides insightful guidelines
for the development of e-banking industry in both nations and worldwide.
Managerial implications are discussed with suggestions for future research.


e-banking; electronic finance; comparative study; consumer
behaviours; empirical study.

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