Condolences to Professor Lu Xueyi from some overseas organizations and scholars 海外部分组织与学者给陆学艺教授的唁电


Condolences to Professor Lu Xueyi
from some overseas organizations and scholars

I. Organizations 组织

1.British Sociological Association (BSA) 英国社会学学会

The British Sociological Association has learned with great sadness of the unexpected death of Professor Lu Xueyi, Honorary President of the Chinese Sociological Association. We wish to convey our deep condolences to his family and to the Chinese Sociological Association on the loss of such a distinguished scholar and great servant of sociology. May his work continue to inspire the next generation of sociologists.


2.Japan-China Sociological Society  日中社会学会

陸学芸先生治葬委員会 御中





日中社会学会 会長 陳立行 事務局長 南裕子

陆学艺先生治丧委员会: 惊悉陆学艺先生逝世的消息,深表哀悼。 陆学艺先生多年来致力于日本与中国社会学界的交流,从而形成了今日两国研究者活跃的研究交流与深厚的信赖关系。本学会中也有许多会员曾在陆学艺先生的领导下与中国进行合作研究,并从陆学艺先生的著作中获益匪浅。对今天日本的中国研究来说,陆学艺先生研究的影响之大是难以估量的。 思先生生前之学恩,本当到场为先生送行,无奈会长与事务局长均不能离开日本参加告别仪式,特此致歉。 我们将和全体日中社会学会会员一起,为陆学艺先生祈祷冥福。 日中社会学会 会长 陈立行 秘书长 南裕子 2013年5月15日

II. Scholars学者

1.Professor Martin Albrow (Vice-Honorary President, British Sociological Association, BSA) 英国社会学会荣誉副会长 马丁•阿尔布劳教授

In memory of Professor Lu Xueyi. My dear friend’s death fills me with deep sadness coming so soon after our reunion in Beijing. I shall always remember our conversations with the greatest of pleasure and extend my heartfelt sympathies to all his family and friends who share in both happy memories and grief for a great man. Professor Martin Albrow                                                                                    纪念陆学艺教授。在我们于北京重逢后不久,我亲爱的朋友就去世了,这使我心里充满了深深的悲伤。我将永远记得我们最为有趣的谈话。在此对他的家人和亲友致以衷心的慰问,并与他们分享失去这位伟人的悲伤以及对他的美好的回忆。

2.Professor Stephan Feuchtwang (The London school of Economics and Political Science) 英国伦敦经济学院  王斯福教授

This announcement came as a saddening shock. I had known Professor Lu Xueyi from one of my first visits to China, in the 1980s. His work as a sociologist of China was adventurous and pioneering. I learned much from him and am most grateful for his courteous and always helpful greetings and discussions. I shall miss him.


3.Professor Thomas B. Gold (Department of Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley) 美国加州大学伯克利分校社会学系 高棣民教授

I am very shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of my old friend and colleague Prof Lu Xueyi. Just last summer I participated in a wonderful international conference which he organized and enjoyed many opportunities to talk with him over meals and at the meeting. His contributions to the revival and growth of Sociology in China are known and appreciated at home and abroad, and his many publications, students, and friends will surely carry on his legacy. Please extend my condolences to his family and colleagues. 惊悉我的老朋友和同事陆学艺教授离世了,我感到非常震惊和悲痛。就在去年夏天,我参加他组织的盛大的国际会议,并在会议及其用餐期间曾几度与他愉快地交谈。他对社会学在中国的重建和发展的贡献享誉海内外,他的大量的著作等遗产定会被其学生和朋友继承光大。请转达我对他的家人和同事的哀悼。

4.Professor Bettina Gransow (Institute of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin) 德国柏林自由大学东亚所 柯兰君教授

We have learnt with great sadness of the unexpected death of Prof. Lu Xueyi, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Beijing University of Technology and former Director of the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. For many years Prof. Lu has strongly supported the fruitful cooperation between the Freie Universität Berlin and the CASS Institute of Sociology. On several occasions in Beijing we have discussed academic issues, and Prof. Lu always left me with a deep impression, both as a scholar and as a teacher. We highly appreciate Prof. Lu’s academic achievements and his contribution to Chinese sociology. His sudden death is a great loss for the academic community! On behalf of the department of Chinese Studies at our Institute I want to extend my condolences to the family of


5.Professor Flemming Christiansen (Social Sciences of East Asia: China’s Political Economy at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) 德国杜伊斯堡—埃森大学东亚系 费立民教授



惊悉陆学艺教授溘逝, 万分沉痛。陆教授是我的好同行和老朋友,他是中国大陆研究中国改革开放时期社会变迁的领军人。高山仰止,景行行止。虽不能至,心向往之。特此致哀,并敬请转达对陆教授亲属的问候。

费立民(Flemming Christiansen)教授, 德国杜伊斯堡—埃森大学 2013年5月18日

6.Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger (Research Director at National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) 法国国家科学研究院研究主任,里昂高等师范大学 罗兰教授 Dear Colleagues,

We are deeply very sad Professor Lu Xueyi passed away so suddenly. My deepest sympathy.  He was a so great Chinese intellectual figure. He has done so much in the recreation and the development in sociology after 1979, we all know his contribution to Chinese sociology was major,  especially about the social stratification in contemporary Chine and China’s modernization process.

陆学艺教授的突然去世使我们深感伤心。我最深切的同情。他是一个如此伟大的中国知识分子形象。他对1979年以来社会学的重建和发展做了太多的工作。 我们都知道他对中国社会学的主要贡献,尤其是关于当代中国社会分层和中国现代化进程。

7.Professor Shigeto Sonoda (Department of sociology; Deputy Director of Information and Research Center for Asian Studies (RICAS), University of Tokyo) 日本东京大学亚洲信息与研究中心副主任、社会学系園田 茂人教授

It was really a shock that Prof. Lu deceased. He is still active and energetic in my memory. Prof. Lu was generous enough to accept my invitation to come to the University of Tokyo and deliver a speech to the students in 2009. Prof. Lu delivered a fascinating lecture called “中国社会学研究三十年,” encouraged Chinese students of sociology in the University of Tokyo to work harder to contribute to the construction of harmonious society in China.  Prof. Lu was a key person to connect Chinese sociologists and Japanese sociologists. He had a lot of Japanese friends who really respect him. Prof. Lu, thank you for all of your efforts to make us work together.  I would never forget Prof. Lu’s spirits and keep on working with his successors to make this society more prosperous and peaceful.

陆教授的辞世实在太令人震惊,但他仍然精力充沛地活在我的记忆中。 很荣幸陆教授于2009年接受我的邀请来到东京大学为师生们发表了演讲。陆教授的“中国社会学研究三十年”的演讲引人入胜。他还鼓励在东京大学学社会学的中国学生为构建中国和谐社会更加努力工作。 陆教授是连接中国社会学家和日本社会学的关键性人物。他有很多日本朋友,他们都很尊重他。 陆教授,感谢您所有的努力使我们能一起共事。我永远不会忘记陆教授的精神,并将保持与他的后继者继续合作,以促进这个社会更加繁荣与和平。

8.Dr Parama Sinha Palit (Singapore-based specialist in international relations; formerly Research Associate, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), India) 旅新印度国关专家;前印度国防研究与分析研究所研究员帕拉玛•辛哈帕里特博士

My heart felt condolence to the family of Professor Lu Xueyi. He was such a brilliant scholar that in our little interaction with him we indeed learnt a lot. He will always be missed and remembered fondly by his students, friends and colleagues.


9.Dr Amitendu Palit (Head of Partnerships & Programmes and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), the National University of Singapore) 新加坡国立大学南亚研究研究所负责人、客座高级研究员阿米坦都•帕里特博士

My deepest condolences at the bereavement of Professor Lu Xueyi. It is a great loss for the academic world. Convey my sincere sympathies to his family.


10. A memorial article (in Chinese) by Dr Xiangqun Chang 全球中国比较网常向群博士的纪念文章:

Deeply cherish the memory of Professor Lu Xueyi: a Chinese academic legend 深切缅怀敬爱的陆学艺教授:中国学术界陨落的又一颗巨星


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