The First Publisher Focusing on Bilingual Publications of Comparative Studies of China, Chinese and non-Chinese Perspectives of China and the World in a Global Context
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</p> <p>Global China Press 全球中国出版社</p> <p>
Global China Press (GCP) is the first publisher focusing on bilingual publications of China, the Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives of China in a global context (company No.: 8892970). It is a subsidiary trading company of CCPN Global. GCP covers a range of publications from academic journals, edited volumes from selected conference papers or theme based articles, to research monographs, book series, teaching and learning material ofChinese for social sciences, and reference books. They are published in various forms, such as print, electronic versions, video, audio, on internet and mobile internet. More…
全球中国出版社 (GCP) 是世界上第一个致力于出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文科学著作的出版公司,是全球中国比较研究会旗下的子公司(公司注册号:8892970), 它是全球中国比较研究会旗下的子公司。出版的范围广泛,如学术期刊,会议或基于主题的论文集,研究专著,丛书,社科汉语教材以及工具书。出版的形式多样,如印刷版、电子版、音像,网络及其移动网络版。更多…
</p> <p><em>Journal of China in Comparative Perspective </em>(JCCP) 《中国比较研究》</p> <p>
Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP) is the only peer-reviewed bilingual journal for social scientific, hamanities and comparative studies of China in the world, published quarterly in March, June, September and December in print (ISSN 2040-0837) by Global China Press from 2014.
《中国比较研究》(JCCP)是世界上唯一的用社会科学、人文科学和比较视野研究中国的匿名评审的双语季刊, 于2014年起由全球中国出版社每年三、六、九、十二月出版印刷版 (刊号 ISSN 2040-0837)。
For more details, welcome to check JCCP Blog 要了解更多资讯,欢迎查看《中国比较研究》博客:
</p> <p>Global China Book Series 全球中国系列丛书</p> <p>
The idea of publishing the China and the Chinese in Comparative Perspective Book Series is a further development of China in Comparative Perspective. It was originally suggested in 2012, by Professor Martin Albrow, Honorary Vice President of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and founding Editor of International Sociology, the idea was supported by Professor ZHENG Hangsheng, the then Honorary President of the Chinese Sociological Association (CSA) and formerly Vice President of Renmin University, China. The book series expanded further as the ‘Global China Book Series’, to be edited by leading scholars in each topic.
编撰中华比较研究系列丛书的创意来自进一步拓展中国比较研究领域。英国社会学会荣誉副主席、《国际社会学》创刊主编、伦敦经济学院中国比较研究网首席高级研究员马丁·阿尔布劳 (Martin Albrow) 教授,于2012年提出了出版系列丛书的建议,得到中国社会学会名誉会长、中国人民大学前副校长郑杭生教授的大力支持,“中华比较研究系列丛书”被进一步拓展为“全球中国系列丛书”,他们分别担任以下不同系列的合作总编,并邀请相关学者主编其他系列丛书。
For more details, welcome to check JCCP Blog 要了解更多资讯,欢迎查看《中国比较研究》博客: