Related researches on the study of China and the Chinese from a comparative perspectiveh 全球范围的中国比较研究(2/2)


This page contains info about China or the Chinese from a comparative perspective related  reserach projects or programmes.   本页包含关于中国或华人比较研究有关的研究项目或机构的信息(2/2)

  • ESRC: Research forging pathways between South Africa, China and the UK. For the first time researchers from South Africa and China will be working together on a joint data project with UK social scientists. ESRC: 连接南非, 中国和英国通路的研究. 来自南非和中国的研究员首次与英国社会科学家在一个联合数据项目一起工作。
    This international collaboration between researchers in the UK, China and South Africa will use existing data to answer global issues facing all three countries. The 12 new Pathfinder projects are jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa and cover a wide variety of topics including wellbeing, social mobility and growth. 来自英国,中国和南非三个国家的研究学者共同参与到该项目中,通过现有数据分析三国当前面临的一些国际性问题。这12个开拓性的项目由经济与社会研究委员会(ESRC),中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)以及南非国家研究基金会(NRF in South Africa)共同资助。这些项目包括了一系列的话题,如人们的幸福感,社会流动性以及社会发展等。The Pathfinder Research Projects include (selected CCP related project) 研究项目包括:• Professor A Park, University of Oxford – Understanding Inequality in Elderly Well-being in China and the UK(RES-238-25-0036) in collaboration with Professor Y Zhao, Peking University . 牛津大学 A Park教授——了解中国和英国的长者福利的不公 (RES-238-25-0036) 与北京大学Y Zhao教授合办

    • Professor L Song, University of Nottingham –The Impacts of Fall in Exports on Livelihoods in China: Urban Unemployment, Rural Poverty and the Welfare of Rural-Urban Migrants (RES-238-25-0035) in collaboration with Professor S Li, Beijing Normal University  诺丁汉大学L Song教授——“出口减少对中国的生计的影响: 城市失业, 农村贫困及农村往城市移民的好处 ”(RES-238-25-0035) 与北京师范大学S Li 教授合作

    • Dr S Padmadas, University of Southampton – Coping with the Urban Environment? Gender Disadvantage, Social Inequalities and Wellbeing of Economic Migrants in China (RES-238-25-0045) in collaboration with Professor B Li, China Population and Dev Research Centre.
    南安普敦大学S Padmadas博士——‘应付城市环境? 中国经济移民的性别不利, 社会不公及利益’ (RES-238-25-0045) 与中国人口及发展研究中心B Li教授合作

    • Professor R Jenkins, University of East Anglia – Chinese Competition and the Restructuring of South African Manufacturing (RES-238-25-0039) in collaboration with Dr L Edwards, University of Cape Town.    东安格里亚大学R Jenkins教授——“中国的竞争与南非制造业的重组” (RES-238-25-0039) 与开普敦大学L Edwards博士合办.

    • Professor Jane Falkingham, University of Southampton – Assessing the impact of internal labour migration on intergenerational support, health and income: the cases of China and South Africa (RES-238-25-0044) in collaboration with Professor Ling Zhu, China Academy of Social Sciences.  南安普顿大学的Jane Falkingham教授——“评估国内劳动力转移对于代际间的支持,健康以及收入的影响:对中国和南非的案例分析”, 与中科院Ling Zhu教授合作

    • Mr A Bryson, National Institute of Economic and Social Research – CEO Effects on Firm Performance in China: The Role of Incentives, Firm Governance Arrangements and CEO Human Capital (RES-538-25-0029) in collaboration with M Zhou, Zhejiang University with additional funds from NSFC.
    A Bryson先生, 国立经济及社会研究研究所——“首席执行官对在中国的企业表现的影响: 奖励, 企业管理安排及首席执行官人力资本的角色”(RES-538-25-0029) 与浙江大学 M Zhou合办, 从NSFC得到额外的资助.

    • Professor X Liu, Loughborough University – Return migrants and international knowledge flows: China and the UK (RES-238-25-0027) in collaboration with Dr J Lu, Peking University with additional funds from NSFC.   拉夫堡大学X Liu 教授——“回流移民及国际知识流动: 中国与英国 ”(RES-238-25-0027) 与北京大学iJ Lu博士合办, 从NSFC得到额外经费.

    • Professor Y Li, University of Manchester – Social mobility and social capital in China and Britain, a comparative study (RES-238-25-0043) in collaboration with Professor Y Bian, Xian Jiaotong University with additional funds from NSFC.   曼彻斯特大学Y Li 教授——“有关中国和英国的社会流动性和社会资本的一个比较研究” (RES-238-25-0043) 与交通大学Y Bian Xian 教授合作, 从NSFC得到额外研究经费.

  • The ESRC has worked in collaboration with the NSFC and NRF to commission the Pathfinder projects, three of which have also been awarded additional funding of approximately £10k from the NSFC. 经济与社会研究委员会(ESRC),中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)以及南非国家研究基金会(NRF in South Africa)共同开展了一系列的开拓性研究项目。其中的三个研究更获得了NSFC组织额外资助的一万英镑研究资金。

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(韩志豪, 陈楚廷译)

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