This page contains info about China or the Chinese from a comparative perspective related reserach projects or programmes. 本页包含关于中国或华人比较研究有关的研究项目或机构的信息(1/2)
- A Comparative History of Waste in East Asia, three PhD fellowships in Modern East Asian Studies (anthropology, socioloy, history for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Studies).东亚废物的比较史, 三个现代东亚研究的博士奖学金(人类学, 社会学, 中国, 日本和韩国研究史).Leiden University invites applications for three salaried PhD fellowships in Modern East Asian Studies from September 2013 or asap thereafter, with Prof. Katarzyna Cwiertka as principal investigator and funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). 莱顿大学从2013年9月份始发放三个现代东亚研究的博士奖学金给此项目。该研究由Katarzyna Cwiertka教授引领,并且获得荷兰科学研究组织(NWO)的资助。
- The Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program (CWP). 普林斯顿-哈佛中国及世界项目(CWP). The program will award up to four one-year “postdoctoral research associate” positions (2013-14).
- The European Research Council (ERC) project Mobility, Empire and Cross-Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia 蒙古欧亚的流动性, 帝国与跨文化接触 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering up to 2 Post-Doctorate scholarships beginning in the 2013-2014 academic year.
- Science and Museums in the People’s Republic of China and the UK 中华人民共和国及英国的科学和博物馆: PhD Studentship (with a possibility of 1 pre-year in research training) commencing September 2012
- ESRC: Rising Powers: Unequal Powers, Authoritarian Powers, Unstable Powers? (Russia and China ) 26 August 2012 – 25 August 2015. ESRC: 兴起的力量: 不平等力量, 专制力量, 不稳定力量? (俄国和中国)
- ‘Comparative Studies on the New Migrants from BRIC counties in America, Australia, Japan and the UK’, in collaboration with Nihon Fukushi University, funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2009-13). 美国,,澳大利亚, 日本和英国的金砖国新移民的比较研究”, 与日本福祉大学合作并且由日本学术振兴会资助 。
(韩志豪, 陈楚廷译)