Global China Dialogue
A Global Dialogue with Transculturality and Social Creativity Aims to Enhance Public Understanding of Global Affairs and Participating in Global Governance
Global China Dialogue >> More
The Global China Dialogue (GCD) is series of event with the key concept ‘transculturality’ and social creativity to enhance public understanding of current global affairs and common interests via public dialogue and discussion between Chinese and non-Chinese academics, experts, professionals and practitioners and interested laypeople, from interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Topics of dialogue will range from China development, education, language and culture to government and politics, economics, migration, the family, climate change, the environment, public health, and human security, and global governance, etc. From 2016 the GCD will work within the framework of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UNESCO’s mission of defencing peace and the conditions for building sustainable development world through creative intelligence.
The 3rd Global China Dialogue:Sustainability and Global Governance for Climate Change
Date: Friday-Saturday, 2-3 December, 2016
Venue 1 8:55-17:00, 2nd Dec at The British Academy, UK
Venue 2. 18:30-22:00, 2nd Dec. Reception at the UK Parliament, London
Venue 3. 9:00-16:00, 3rd Dec. CACSS workshop at King’s College London, UK
I Introduction
II Organizers and sponsors
III Speakers, chairs and discussants
IV Themes and schedule
V Programme
VI Abstracts
VII Outcomes and publication
VIII Participants
IX Registration and contacts
X Essential information, venue and map
Click the above cover or HERE to download the brochure (English and Chinese combined version)
Other events >> More
CCPN Global, on the one hand, is interested in activities with China in comparative perspective include self-organized activities and other related activities worldwide; on the other hand, it participates in activities of a different nature owing to its academic and social missions. Furthermore, as an academic society CCPN Global also pay attention to social sciences and humanities studies on China. The lists below can take you to related events which located in different parts of our various websites:
I. Our events
II. Other related events
Globalization of Knowledge >> More
General speaking globalization of Knowledge covers scientific, technological and cultural knowledge. We use ‘globalization of knowledge’ is in the same way as ‘globalization of sociology’, but much broader ranging from sociology or anthropology to many disciplines of social sciences and humanities, and from China and the Chinese perspective to engage general knowledge globally. Based on our previous work below on knowledge transfer, we extended it to transfer knowledge of Chinese social sciences and humanities into a global society, as a kind of ‘global transfer of knowledge’, a term borrowed from the project “The Globalization of Knowledge and its Consequences” (2007-), and title of related series of discussions in 2012, by Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. To be process China4Global’s knowledge transfer or global transfer of knowledge consists of the following three parts:
全球中国对话 >> 更多
全球中国对话是一项以“超文化” (transculturality)和社会创造为核心概念系列活动,旨在从跨学科的和比较的视野,通过华人和非华人学者、专家、专 业人士、从业者以及感兴趣的者们的公共对话和讨论,提高公众对当前全球事务和共同感兴趣的话题的理解。除了大专院校、研究部门和专业智库之外,全球中国对 话/论坛也将与中国和其他国家政府、国际组织、媒体和出版单位等密切合作,长期跟踪全球热点话题,在世 界各国举办论坛,为中国和华人参与全球治理、推进全球公共利益等提供了一个平台。全球中国对话的主题范围从教 育、语言文化到政府和政治、经济、移民、家庭、环境、气候变化、公共卫生以及人类安全,以及全球治理包括探讨文明对话的规则等等。从2016年起,全球中国对话将在联合国可持续发展目标的框架下, 以联合国教科文组织的创造性才智并在人的思想中建立起保卫和平的屏障和可持续发展的条件的前提下展开活动。
时间:8:30-17:00 2016年12月2-3日
地址1. 8:30-17:00, 2016年12月2日,英国学术院
地址2. 18:30-22:00, 2016年12月2日 招待会, 英国议会大厦
地址3. 9:00-16:00, 2016年12月3日 语料库与中国社科工作坊,伦敦国王学院
一 活动简介
二 组织架构
三 演讲、主持和评议嘉宾
四 论题与安排
五 会议议程
六 内容提要
七 成果与出版
八 与会者名单
九 注册与联系
十 温馨提示、 地址和地图
其他活动 >> 更多
全球中国比较研究会一方面关心中国比较研究的内容包括自己组织的活动和全球范围内其他的与中国比较有关的活动;另方面它具有学术和社会双重使命,其参与的 活动也具有不同的性质。此外,作为以中国为比较参照系的研究组织,我们对中国社会科学和人文科学的研究和活动也有特别关注。在此,我们将分散在全球中国比 较研究会几个网站的有关内容分别列举如下:
知识全球化 >> 更多
一 般来说, 知识全球化的“知识”包括科学,技术和文化知识。“知识全球化”和“社会学全球化”两种表达大相径庭。但知识全球化涉及了更为广泛的范围,从社会学、人类 学到社会科学和人文科学的许多学科,从中国和华人的视野到参与全球知识的构建。 基于我们以前的“知识转化”工作,我们现在把它们加以拓展,把中国的社会 科学和人文科学的知识转化到全球社会来,成为一种“知识全球转化”,这个术语借自于德国马普科学史研究所2007年的一个项目“知识全球化及其后果”,以 及2012年相关主题的系列讨论。“全球中华智库”的知识转化或知识的全球转化包括以下三个部分: