Global China Book Series 全球中国系列丛书


People eating at sidewalk cafe

The idea of publishing the China and the Chinese in Comparative Perspective Book Series is a further development of China in Comparative Perspective. It was originally suggested in 2012, by Professor Martin Albrow, Honorary Vice President of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and founding Editor of International Sociology, the idea was supported by Professor ZHENG Hangsheng, the then Honorary President of the Chinese Sociological Association (CSA) and formerly Vice President of Renmin University, China. The book series expanded further as the ‘Global China Book Series’, to be edited by leading scholars in each topic. Although Professor Zheng Hangsheng sadly passed away suddenly in November 2014, all the book series, described below, will nevertheless be published in English and Chinese from 2015 by Global China Press.

  1. Chinese Concepts – This consists of two parts: native Chinese concepts and other concepts seen from a Chinese perspective. For the latter, every concept is required to have a review section on studies of non-Chinese society in order to form a contrast with the Chinese perspective.
  2. Chinese Discourse – Based on Chinese social scientific material and systematic documentation of Chinese usage patterns and methodological innovations, this book series will focus on society, culture, social interaction, communication, etc., from sociolinguistic, comparative and functionalist perspectives, discourse and conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and typological studies. It will explore interactive mechanisms between Chinese discourse and global discourse.
  3. Chinese Academy – This series will conduct a comprehensive review, within a global framework, of Chinese academic achievements at home and abroad over a hundred years since the foundation of the Republic of China. It will be divided into three series: disciplines (social sciences, natural sciences, humanities); countries and regions; and interdisciplinary research themes (e.g. 20 topics from the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective).
  4. Chinese Thoughts – Each of the books will focus on a topic that non-Chinese social scientists or scholars have not covered, in order to present a contrast between Chinese and non-Chinese thinking in relevant areas
  5. Chinese Experiences – Selected work from our Global China Forums will be published in this book series, which stresses experiences of China’s modernization from a comparative perspective.
  6. China Studies – This book series was published in the 1980s by New World Press. It is the first such book series by Chinese scholars in English. It will be republished jointly by New World Press and Global China Press.
  7. China Urbanization Studies – This book series will select the best work on Chinese urbanization from inside and outside China, featuring Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives and empirical and policy-oriented studies, as well as macroscopic and microscopic research.
  8. Understanding China and the World – This series presents and promotes understanding of China and the world comprehensively from Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives, for example putting China in the context of globalization and other world issues.
  9. Chinese for Social Sciences – These are books for the study of the Chinese language, a branch of ‘Chinese for Specific Purposes’ (CSP), for example ‘Chinese for science and technology’ or ‘business Chinese’. They will include guidance and tuition on intermediate level reading, advanced level reading, analysis of difficult sentences in English–Chinese translation or in Chinese–English translation, dictionaries of dialect/loan words in English, and phrases/glossaries for the social sciences.
  10. Global China Dialogue – This book series consists of collected work from each of the Global China Dialogue, organized by CCPN Global and YES (The Young Entrepreneur Society). It will be published collaboratively between Global China Press and New World Press in multilingual editions.
  11. Chinese Overseas Ethnographic Studies – These books are written in Chinese, edited by Gao Bingzhong and published by Peking University Press. Global China Press is commissioning translation for publication in English.
  12. ‘Three Eye’ Perspectives – The authors of this series are Chinese, either from mainland China or Overseas Chinese, offering three dimensions or perspectives (three eyes), namely time, space and place, to examine comparatively themselves, China, or the countries in which they live.

编撰中华比较研究系列丛书的创意来自进一步拓展中国比较研究领域。英国社会学会荣誉副主席、《国际社会学》创刊主编、伦敦经济学院中国比较研究网首席高级研究员马丁·阿尔布劳 (Martin Albrow) 教授,于2012年提出了出版系列丛书的建议,得到中国社会学会名誉会长、中国人民大学前副校长郑杭生教授的大力支持,“中华比较研究系列丛书”被进一步拓展为“全球中国系列丛书”,他们分别担任以下不同系列的合作总编,并邀请相关学者主编其他系列丛书。尽管郑杭生教授于2014年11月突然病逝,全球中国出版社将于2015年陆续出版以下12套丛书。

  1. 《中华概念》 – 包括两部分:本土概念和已有的概念。关于后者每个概念均要求有一部分对非华人学者的相关研究做一评议,在此基础上提出通过华人的视野对中国社会的研究中提出的新发现的内容。
  2. 《中华话语》– 基于中国社会科学研究的素材、范式和创新的方法上产生的系统的文献,本系列将从社会语言学、比较和功能主义的视野、话语和谈话分析法、语料库、认知语言学,类型学研究等聚焦在社会、文化、互动、沟通等现象,提炼中华话语,探讨与全球相关话语的关系和互动与互补机制。
  3. 《中华学术》 – 在全球人类知识大厦的框架里,全面系统地梳理民国以来百余年海内外中华学者的学术成果,分为三个系列: 学科(社会科学、自然科学、人文科学),国家与地区(国家和区域研究),以及跨学科的主题研究(如中国比较研究的20个主题)。
  4. 《中华思想》 – 要求每本书的作者在论题中提出的思想未曾被非华人社会科学家或学者讨论过,使华人学者和非华人学者在研究的相关领域形成对比。
  5. 《中国经验》 – 这套丛书将收入我们的以“中国经验”为主题的全球中国论坛的相关论文,它着重于中国现代化进程的经验教训与其它发展中国家和地区之比较研究
  6. 《中国研究》 – 这套丛书是新世界出版社于1980年代出版的”中国研究“系列丛书的英文版,它是首次中国学者用英文出版的关于中国研究的丛书.该丛书将由新世界出版社与全球中国出版社合作再版。
  7. 《中国城镇化研究》 – 这套丛书将从国内外关于中国城镇化研究的著作中选择优秀著述翻译出版,它包括华人和非华人视野,包括经验研究和政策研究,宏观研究和微观研究。
  8. 《读懂中国与世界 》 – 把中国置于全球语境下、用华人和非华人的比较视野或镜像效应来研究中国与世界。
  9. 《社科汉语》 – 专门用途汉语 (CSP) 中的一个分支,如“科技汉语”或“商务汉语”。如: 《社科汉语中级读物》,《社科汉语高级读物》,《社科汉语中的 英译汉难句分析》,《社科汉语中的汉译英难句分析》,《社科英语中的外来语 (英汉对照)》,《社科汉语短语和词组(英汉对照)》,《英译中华社科汉语词汇》,等。
  10. 《全球中国对话》 – 这套系列丛书是根据全球中国比较研究会和青年企业家协会联合创办的每次”全球中国对话“的内容结集而成,由全球中国出版社与新世界出版社合作出版多语种版本。
  11. 《华人海外民族志研究》 – 这套《走进世界·海外民族志大系》(中文版)由北京大学社会学系高丙中教授主编、北京大学出版社出版。其英文版由全球中国出版社组织翻译出版。
  12. 《‘三只眼’视野》 – 要求作者是生活在中国大陆或海外的华人, 用时间、空间和地方三个纬度或视野(“三只眼”)来审视他们自身、中国及世界即他们所生活的地方。

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