The 1st Global China Dialogue on the theme ‘the experience of China’s modernization from a comparative perspective’, was held successfully on the 17th December 2014, at the London Capital Club. Professor Xiangqun Chang, Director of CCPN Global, chaired this event (left picture). It was organized by CCPN Global and YES Global (The Young Entrepreneur Society Global) and sponsored by many institutions inside and outside China. More than 40 academics, consultants, professionals and entrepreneurs participated (right picture).
首届“全球中国对话”于2014年12月17日在伦敦伦敦金融城心脏地带的资本俱乐部(London Capital Club)举行,全球中国比较研究会会长常向群教授主持了这一活动(左图)。该活动是由全球中国比较研究会(CCPN Global)和全球青年企业家协会(YES Global)联合主办,并得到国内外多家单位的赞助,来自学术界、智库和企业的40余人应邀参加了开坛仪式(右图)。
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Report in English
Minister Counsellor Xiang Xiaowei (right) gave an opening address. He stated that during the visit of Premier Li Keqiang to Britain last June there has been a general agreement between the two governments that they will be hosting the Year of Cultural Exchange between China and the UK. There would be huge anticipation for the ‘UK Season’ in China, starting from January to June and the ‘China Season’ in the UK from July to December.
The panellists then gave talks from global, European, Chinese, grassroots, professional and practitioners’ perspectives in turns.
Professor Martin Albrow (left) began his talk by responding to the original European idea of modernization. He said, ” the idea of ‘modern’ has undergone many changes in the course of the history of Europe, and it really takes off at a very crucial time in East-West relations, roundabout 1700, when there were these very enlightened Jesuit priests going to China and taking Western science there and bringing Chinese ethics back ”.
Mr Charles Grant(2nd left) said, “global governance is a good idea because it means that states regulate their relations through negotiation and rules rather than ‘might is right’ and invading each other but I don’t think it’s going very well; look at the World Trade Organization, created 20 years ago it’s achieved just about nothing; one set of rules recently agreed in Bali on so-called ‘Trade Facilitation’.”
Professor GUO Fengzhi (middle) believed the Chinese model is different from the Western model of modernization because “in order to realize modernization China has to pursue the domestic objective of improving its people’s quality of life, as well as resolving the external issue of being backward compared with other countries.”
Ms Xinran Xue (2nd right) worked at The Guardian and the BBC as a journalist and a writer, and founded a charity as a volunteer. Based on her working and living experiences in the UK and many countries in the world she raised three questions: (1) understanding before thinking or thinking before understanding; (2) human history is rooted, shaped or ordered by family or religion? (3) globalization or Englishlization?
Mr Philip Hao (right) also made three points: (1) ” a deeper understanding about what corporate social responsibility is something China should learn from Europe…” (2) ” The second one is about something that Europe could learn from China,……” (3) ‘ the integration between Europe and Asia particularly China is irreversible, …… ”
Professor Stephan Feuchtwang (left) Began his closing remarks by commenting on every panellists” talk only with an academic perspective, neither ‘idealistic or business-related or speak from [his] own experience except in [his] profession’…”
Feutchwang then returned to Mr Xiang’s opening address, believing that “the dialogue on modernization is inevitably going to be between different experiences of adapting whatever we mean by modernization as a project and what have been the accompanying sources of advice and the orthodoxy of the times in which that has happened”.
Before the floor was opened the panellists had some discussion amongst themselves. For example, Professor Xiangqun Chang introduced an empirical-study based comparative research work on academic mothers in four cities in China and the UK which found that the British mothers are always put their children at the first priority above their work.
During the Q & A there were many interesting questions raised, such as (1) what China can learn from pensions and social welfare from Europe…? (2) what is it about the UK that is attractive to Chinese entrepreneurs’ to come in and start a business?… (3) What are the panellists thoughts on new ideas about modernization..? (4)…
Professor Albrow made a final touch to the event. ” I think the outcome of all the academic research there’s ever been suggests that we can never understand another person or another culture completely….”
During the networking session the panellists and participants has further discussions.
Let us remember that we have been involved in the launch event for the series of ‘Global China Dialogue Forum’!
查尔斯·格兰特先生 (左二)首先坦诚地指出,虽然全球治理是一个好主意,即世界各国间的关系是按照谈判和法规规矩处理的,但是目前其况状并不好,他列举了世界贸易组织、20国集团、安理会、北约等国际组织,认为他们都是“清谈俱乐部”…
薛欣然女士(右二)通过对她在英国BBC和《卫报》以及创办“母爱桥”所扮演的作家、记者和志愿者的角色,以及在英国和世界许多国家的体验,就中国与英与世界国家的差异提出了三个问题:(1)“先理解再思考,还是先思考再理解”;(2)“人类历史及其秩序的根基和型塑是家庭还是宗教?”(3) “全球化还是英语国家化?“ …
马丁·阿尔布劳教授的一席话对本次对话活动作了点睛之笔,他说,从阐释社会学角度看,研究“他者”的过程是另人沮丧的,我们没办法完全相互了解…”尽量完善全球治理,尽量合作” 吧!