Call for voluntary Associate Researcher/Editor/Translator of CCPN Global 全球中国比较研究会征召志愿研究人员 / 助理编辑 / 翻译


Call for voluntary Associate Researcher /Editor/Translator of CCPN Global

The CCPN Global Workplace was formerly known as the Researchers Fostering Laboratory (RFL) which was set up by China in Comparative Perspective Network (CCPN) at LSE in 2008. It has been providing real opportunities for researchers and students from all levels who are interested in pursuing China and the Chinese from a comparative perspective related work to build up their experience by exploring and developing different kinds of projects.

In addition to basic skills which can be learned within an academic discipline, training in research methodologies, experience doing course projects, and participating in students’ societies’ activities, etc., the CCPN’s innovative ‘RFL’ or ‘Workplace’ is designed to help students and researchers to practice and use the above methods and skills in different research processes, ranging from archiving data, designing and implementing projects, applying for grants or fundraising, editing and proofreading for publications, bi-directional translation from Chinese to English or vice versa, engaging with the media and the public for dissemination (see events), to accessing facilities, online discussion or debate on social media and blogs, and networking, etc.

CCPN Global’s features:

How can you get involved?

We have different tasks each year based on the progressive stages of development of CCPN Global and projects we are undertaking or developing (click HERE for details). In 2014 CCPN Global offers 4 posts of voluntary Associate Researchers.

  • Bi-directional translation from Chinese to English or vice versa for CCPN Global’s websites, blogs and related publications
  • Running different forms of social media to promote the CCPN Global, JCCP and China4Global

How do you work with CCPN Global?

Beyond the above listed tasks if you want to develop your own research interests, we will in return provide limited advice on research, and will offer connections to individuals who might give further advice.

We will provide instruction or guidance to all of you by giving clear descriptions of the content of each project, requirements, duties, etc. The voluntary Associate Researcher, Editor or Translator of CCPN Global will be responsible to Dr Xiangqun Chang, who will offer advice and possibly even connections to relevant institutes or individuals.

The work arrangements are flexible: you can complete the tasks in your own time while keeping to the given schedule. The allocated work will take you a few hours per week on average over the period of eight months. All the work can be done via email communication. If you have enquires please send an email to .

What can you benefit from this?

There is no monetary payment for this work. But you can benefit in the following 20 ways:

  • being a multi-faceted editor or researcher with all-round abilities which could help you with whatever career you may choose in the future
  • you may be able to access some advice from CCPN Global and connections for further developing your own research interests
  • you can contribute to any publications that CCPN Global is undertaking
  • you can add ‘Associate Researcher, Editor or Translator of CCPN Global’ on your CV
  • we will provide you with a reference
  • you can have you own webpage on the CCPN Global website
  • you can have an unlimited email account with
  • you can have access as writer or editor to our blogs
  • your name will be posted on the webpage or sub-page that you edit, proofread or translated
  • in addition to the above, you can enjoy all 10 benefits as fee paid members (from £46 to £96 per annual), click HERE for more details

How to apply?

This offer is open to all professionals, researchers and students who are interested in pursuing China and the Chinese from a comparative perspective related work. The work arrangements are flexible (immediate start). Minimum duration is one year, but can be renewed.

Deadlines for application: 31 January 2014

If you are interested, please complete the application form which includes three elements :

  • your basic information
  • your proposal including the following points (no more than 1000 words)
  • Identify any work that you are able to contribute to CCPN Global by browsing its 4
    websites and 3 blogs according to your expertise and ability;
  • make suggestions for how to improve quality of CCPN Global’s current work based
    on work has been mentioned on the workplace page
  • Make a list of work as your manageable tasks at a voluntary ad hoc basis for one
  • Explain how you are going to carry them out
  • Reason(s) of applying for the position
  • your CV (CV should be in English. If you have a Chinese name please write it down in Chinese characters. English and Chinese bi-lingual CV is preferred)

If you don’t receive a reply one month after the deadline, you should assume that your application is unsuccessful. Please be aware that we won’t send you a separate notice.

If you have any question please write to:

全球中国比较研究会征召志愿研究人员 / 助理编辑 / 翻译



全球中国比较研究会(CCPN Global)的四个特点:




  • 2014年:我们将招4名研究人员/助理编辑或副编辑/助理翻译或翻译,点击这里下载PDF版本
  • 2013:我们招了5名助理编辑和专业技术人员
  • 2011-12:我们招收了10名助研员含助理编辑,前者主要是参与金砖四国新移民项目的问卷调查工作,开发以网络和关系为主的‘中国商务咨询’的知识转化项目;后者主要是对CCPN网站内容的校对和工作论文|的编辑与校对;此外,还鼓励各种有助于CCPN发展的创新活动。
  • 2010-11:由于来自全球的申请者高达150名,我们招收的自愿助研员增至20名之多。
  • 2009-2010年:我们招收了10名自愿助研员, 以开展下列项目之工作:’金砖四国’新移民在英国的比较研究、 更新CCPN成员数据库,管理电子邮件名录,开发网上成员互动资料库;中国研究网络资源归档、维护CCPN研究博客、论坛、或Facebook等网页,以及CCPN网站的研发等。
  • 2008-2009年:我们招收了10名自愿助研员(参看中国比较研究网助研员名单), 以开展下列项目之工作:知识转换,中国研究网络资源归档,建立电子邮件清单,对网站部分网页进行中文翻译,以及CCPN网站的研发等。


  • 我们将为所有的助研人员提供指导,每个项目的内容、要求和责任等都有清楚的描述。常向群博士负责指导自愿助研员并提供咨询及联系可供进一步咨询之单位或个人。
  • 工作安排十分灵活,只要根据协议的计划安排提交阶段性成果即可(平均每周仅需几小时),所有工作内容均可通过电子邮件与常向群博士联系。
  • 如还有疑问或获取进一步的信息请发邮件至: .


  • 本工作场可助君成为一名多层次的、具有研究能力和全面技能的复合型研究人才,以寻得理想职业
  • 您可以从全球中国比较研究会获得建议和联系,以进一步发展自己的研究兴趣
  • 有助于您参与全球中国比较研究会的出版
  • 您可以在您的简历中添加全球中国比较研究会研究人员、助编和翻译研究助理(所有名单会公布在网站上)。
  • 我们将为您提供一个推荐信
  • 您可以在全球中国比较研究会拥有您自己的网页
  • 您可以有无限量的电子邮件帐户
  • 您可以成为我们的博客的作者和编辑
  • 你的名字将发布在您编校或翻译的网页
  • 除上述外,您还可以享受所有10项付费会员(每年从46-96英镑不等)的优惠,详情点击这里





  • 个人基本信息
  • 申请报告包含以下要点(不超过1000字):

o 通过浏览全球中国比较研究会的4个网站和3个博客,根据您的专业知识和能力确定您能够为

o 基于本工作场页面提供的信息提出提高现有工作质量的建议

o 提交一份为期一年的自愿性工作的切实可行的工作任务清单

o 解释你将如何去实施上述任务

o 申请此职位的原因

  • CV(CV为英文,如有中文名请注明汉字; 有英汉双语更好)



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