A collection of related papers, reports, book chapters, and working papers on the comparative study of China and Chinese from 1976
中国比较研究论文,报告, 书中章节及工作论文选
Page Contents > 2012 > 2011> 2010 >2009 > 2008 > 2007 > 2006 > 2005 > 2004 > 2003 > 2002 > 2001 > 2000 > 1990-1999 > Before 1989
This page contains information about related papers, reports, book chapters, and working papers on the comparative study of China. Currently we list them mainly in English. We will add Chinese materials later.此页包含中国比较研究相关的论文,报告,书籍章节和工作论文等。目前以英文为主,以后会陆续添加相关的中文资料。
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- Book review: The Changing Dynamics of the Relations Among China,Taiwan, and the United States. Ed. Cal Clark. 2011. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book reviewed by Ghulam Ali, Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies. December 2013
- Emigration from China in Comparative Perspective, by Yao Lu, Social Forces, September 2013 92 (1)
- China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei, by Shirley A. Kan,Specialist in Asian Security Affairs, August 26, 2013
CRS Report for Congress, Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress
- The Strategic Connotation and Implications of the Strategic Triangle of Russia, China and India, by Jun Kee BAEK et al. Studies in Comprehensive Regional Strategies 12-10, 2012-12-31, The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
- Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa, Richard B. Dadzie, African Affairs, Volume 111, issue 443, pages 334-335, April 2012
- China, Japan, and Korea, by Vanessa L. Fong, Childhood Studies, March 2012
- Comparative case studies from Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa, Karen Siegel and David Stuckler. Sick Societies, October 2011
- Book review: Remember: on the social life of postsocialism: memory, consumption, Germany By Daphne Berdahl and the history of history: a novel of Berlin by Ida Hattemer-Higgins, by Stephan Feuchtwang, Anthropology of this century, 2011. 2 ISSN 2047-6345
- Russia-China-India Trilateral: Calibrating a Fine Balance, BY R N Das, November 15, 2010, The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)
- Russia, India and China: Emerging strategic triangle, By Yu Jincheng (Xinhua), Mail @pravda.ru, 20.11.2010,
- Children’s Perceptions of Maternal Hostility as a Mediator of the Link between Discipline and Children’s Adjustment in Four Countries (China, India, the Philippines, and Thailand), by Jennifer E. Lansford, Patrick S. Malone, Kenneth A. Dodge, Lei Chang, Nandita Chaudhary, Sombat Tapanya, Paul Oburu, and Kirby Deater-Deckard. Int J Behav Dev. 2010 September; 34(5): 452–461.
- ‘Forestry Reform and the Transformation of State Capacity in fin-de-siècle China.’, by Strauss, Julia, Journal of Asian Studies, 68 (4). pp. 1163-1188, 2009.
- Statist Globalization in China, Russia and the Gulf States, by Harris, Jerry. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Volume 8, Numbers 2-3, 2009 , pp. 139-163(25)
- A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Reduction in Brazil, China and India, by Martin Ravallion, Policy Research Working Papers, World Bank. Oct. 2009.
- A comparative study on e-banking services between China and USA, by Jiaqin Yang, Li Cheng, Xia Luo. Journal International Journal of Electronic Finance. Volume 3, Number 3/2009, p235-252
- Measuring subjective well-being: A comparison of China and the USA, Jin Zhang, Yu Yang, Hui Wang. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 3, pages 221–225, September 2009
- Comparative Output and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing for China, Japan, Korea and the United States in Circa 1935 by a Production PPP Approach, by Kyoji Fukao, Harry X. Wu, Tangjun Yuan, Paper provided by Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University in its series Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series with number gd08-018. Dec 2008
- To Study on the Comparing Sectors of Manufacturing Industry among China,USA and Japan, by Gu Weiwei. Vallue Engineering. No 10. 2008.
- Accounting for Growth: Comparing China and India, by Barry Bosworth & Susan M. Collins, Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 22(1), pages 45-66, Winter.
- China, India, Brazil and South Africa in the World Economy: Engines of Growth? by Deepak Nayyar, June 2008, Discussion Paper No. 2008/05, United Nations University
- Global and/or regional development at the start of the 21st century? China, India and (South) Africa, by Timothy M Shawa, Andrew F Cooperb & Agata Antkiewiczb, Third World Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 7, 2007
- Comparative Social Capital: Networks of Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists in China and Russia, Bat Batjargal, Management and Organization Review, Volume 3, Issue 3, pages 397–419, November 2007
- China, India, And The Future Of The World Economy : Fierce Competition Or Shared Growth? by Betina Dimaranan; Elena Ianchovichina; William J. Martin , The World Bank, April
- Russia and China: The Ambivalent Embrace, by Andrew Kuchins Current History;
Oct 2007; 106, 702;pg. 321 [pdf]
- China, Russia and the Balance of Power in Central Asia, by Eugene B. Rumer. Strategic Forum No. 223. November 2006. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University
- Investigation of the Multidimensional Model of Job Insecurity in China and the USA, by
Cynthia Lee, Philip Bobko, Zhen Xiong Chen. Applied Psychology, Volume 55, Issue 4, pages 512–540, October 2006 - China, India and the World Economy, by T. N. Srinivasan, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 41, No. 34 (Aug. 26 – Sep. 1, 2006), pp. 3716-3727
- Changing bilateral trade between China and India, by Yanrui Wua, Zhangyue Zhoub, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2006, Pages 509–518
- Analyzing the cultural content of web sites: A cross-national comparision of China, India, Japan, and US, by Nitish Singh, (Department of Finance and Marketing, College of Business, California State University, Chico, California, USA), Hongxin Zhao, (Saint Louis University, St Louis, Missouri, USA), Xiaorui Hu, (Saint Louis University, St Louis, Missouri, USA), International Marketing Review, Vol. 22 Iss: 2, pp.129 – 146
- RUSSIA-INDIA-CHINA STRATEGIC TRIANGLE CONTOURS EMERGE: An Estimative Analysis, by Dr. Subhash Kapila, StrategyWorld.com
- What Determines Internet Diffusion Loci in Developing Countries: Evidence from China and India, by Nir Kshetri, Pacific Telecommunications Review, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 25-34
- Comparative Analysis of Japan and China’s Technology Policies and Industrial Development: Lessons for Developing Countries [pdf], by Peilei Fan. UNU-IAS Working Paper No.125. Dec 2004
- Residential energy consumption in China and its comparison with Japan, Canada, and USA, by Qingyuan Zhang, Energy and Buildings, Volume 36, Issue 12, December 2004, Pages 1217–1225
- Upstream, Downstream, China, India: The Politics of Environment in the Himalayan Region, by Piers M. Blaikiea & Joshua S. S. Muldavinb, Annals of the Association of American Geographers,Volume 94, Issue 3, 2004, pages 520-548
- Why is Son preference so persistent in East and South Asia? a cross-country study of China, India and the Republic of Korea, by Monica Das Guptaa, Jiang Zhenghuab, Li Bohuac, Xie Zhenmingc, Woojin Chungd & Bae Hwa-Okd, The Journal of Development Studies, Volume 40, Issue 2, 2003
- Cultural variations in interdependence and autobiographical memory: Lessons from Korea, China and India, by Leichtman, M. D., Wang, Q., & Pillemer, D. B. In R. Fivush & C. A. Haden (Eds.), Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: Developmental and cultural perspectives (pp. 73-98). Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates.
- Personal Networking in Russia and China: Blat and Guanxi, by Snejina Michailova, Verner Worm. European Management Journal, Volume 21, Issue 4, August 2003, Pages 509–519
- FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: SHARING EXPERIENCES FROM BRAZIL, CHINA, RUSSIA AND TURKEY, by Mehmet Ögütçü, paper in the International Conference on Regional Development and Foreign Investment in Brazil Fortaleza, Brazil. 12-13 December 2002
- “Stalin’s Short Course and China’s Socialist Economic Transformation in the Early 1950s,” by, Hua-yu, Li, Russian History/Histoire Russe 29, no. 2-4 (2002): 357-76.
- A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Ethnocentrism in China, India, and Taiwan, by Arun Pereiraa, Chin-Chun Hsub & Sumit Kunduc. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2002
- Logics of Action, Globalization, and Changing Employment Relations in China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines, by Stephen Frenkel and Sarosh Kuruvilla, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Apr., 2002), pp. 387-412
- Carbon mitigation potential and costs of forestry options in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and Tanzania, by J.A. Sathaye, W.R. Makundi, K. Andrasko, R. Boer, N.H. Ravindranath, P. Sudha, S. Rao, R. Lasco, F. Pulhin, O. Masera,
A. Ceron, J. Ordonez, X. Deying, X. Zhang, S. Zuomin, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2001, Volume 6, Issue 3-4, pp 185-211 - Julie M. Rahm, “Russia, China, India: A New Strategic Triangle for a New Cold War?” Parameters, Winter 2001-02, pp. 87-97.
- Different paths to economic reform in Russia and China: causes and consequences, by Trevor Buck, Igor Filatotchev, Peter Nolan, Mike Wright, Journal of World Business,
Volume 35, Issue 4, Winter 2000, Pages 379–400 - State Policies and Women’s Autonomy in China, India, and the Republic of Korea, 1950-2000: Lessons from Contrasting Experiences, by Monica Das Gupta, Sunhwa Lee,
Patricia Uberoi, Danning Wang, Lihong Wang, Xiaodan Zhang, November 2000, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2497.
- The best commonly followed practices in the human resource dimension of quality management in new industrializing countries: The case of China, India and Mexico, by S. Subba Rao, T.S. Raghunathan, Luis E. Solis,International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 16 Iss: 3, pp.215 – 226, 1999.
- Ethical issues across cultures: managing the differing perspectives of China and the USA, by Dennis A. Pitta, Hung-Gay Fung, Steven Isberg, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 16 Iss: 3, pp.240 – 256(1999)
- “China refuses Russia’s call to form strategic triangle with India,” ArabicNews.com, December 23, 1998.
- “Russia’s Primakov Urges ‘Strategic Triangle” with China, India, Agence France Presse (pacificnet.net), December 21, 1998: “Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov on Monday called for the creation of “strategic triangle” between Russia, India and China to ensure regional peace and stability.”
- “Russia favours ‘strategic triangle’ among India, Russia and China,” rediff.com, December 21, 1998.
- Capital Flight and Foreign Investment: Two Tales From China and Russia, by Terry Sicular. The World Economy, Volume 21, Issue 5, pages 589–602, July 1998
- Shakespeare in China: A Comparative Study of Two Traditions and Cultures (review), Min Tian,Theatre Journal,Volume 49, Number 4, December 1997,pp. 550-551
- A comparative study of quality practices: USA, China and India, by T.S. Raghunathan, S. Subba Rao, Luis E. Solis,Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 97 Iss: 5, pp.192 – 200(1997)
- The influence of culture on advertising effectiveness in China and the USA: A cross-cultural study, by Yong Zhang, James P. Neelankavil, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 Iss: 2, pp.134 – 149(1997)
- Military Mobilization in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century China, Russia, and Mongolia, by Peter C. Perdue. Modern Asian Studies / Volume 30 / Issue 04 / October 1996, pp 757-793
- The state and economic involution: Russia through a China lens, by Michael Burawoy. World Development, Volume 24, Issue 6, June 1996, Pages 1105–1117.
- Financial Growth and Macroeconomic Stability in China, 1978-1992: Implications for Russia and Other Transitional Economies, by Ronald I. McKinnon. Journal of Comparative Economics. Volume 18, Issue 3, June 1994, Pages 438–469
- Structural Factors in the Economic Reforms of China, Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union, by Jeffrey Sachs, Wing Thye Woo, Stanley Fischer and Gordon Hughes,
Economic Policy, Vol. 9, No. 18 (Apr., 1994), pp. 101-145 - The Art of Reforming Centrally-Planned Economies: Comparing China, Poland and Russia, by Wing Thye Woo. Working Papers from California Davis – Institute of Governmental Affairs. 1993. Journal of Comparative Economics, 18. 276-308.1994.
- Transitions in Household Energy Use in Urban China, India, the Philippines, Thailand, and Hong Kong, by J Sathaye, and S Tyler. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 16: 295-335 (Volume publication date November 1991
Before 1989
- The Religious and Medicinal Uses of Cannabis in China, India and Tibet, by Mia Touwa, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 13, Issue 1, 1981
- States and Social Revolution (Book Review of States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China, by Theda Skocpol, Cambridge University Press. 1979), by Richards, Michael.Journal of Social History. 1980.Vol. 14 (issue 1):164-165
- Economic Growth and Quality of Life: A Comparative Indicator Analysis Between China (Taiwan), U.S.A. and Other Developed Countries, by Ben-Chieh Liu. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Volume 39, Issue 1, pages 1–21, January 1980
- France, Russia, China: A Structural Analysis of Social Revolutions, by Theda Skocpol Comparative Studies in Society and History. Vol. 18, No. 2 (Apr., 1976), pp. 175-210