--栏目主持人 大伯、小崔
不少人都承认,汉语是世界上最难学习的语言之一,难怪英国人和美国人在摸不清楚状况时都说That’s Greek to me或者That’s double Dutch,而荷兰人和希腊人自己却说Dat is Chinees voor mij和Αυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα(你简直在说中文嘛)。顺便提一句,在中国人眼里,似乎只有天书比汉语复杂。
虽说咱们不是一定要和“抓铁有痕、踏石留印” 死磕,逐字逐句翻译这段充斥着政治智(shu)慧(yu)的文字(Clutch a piece of iron and you should leave your handprint on it; step onto the stone and you should leave your footprint on it.),但是如何用合适的英文翻译“四风”和“八项规定”这些具有中国特色的政治词汇,确实是个不小的挑战。
说是“四风”,其实里面只有一个带风儿的,小伙伴们知道所有的“主义”英文基本都是sm结尾的,可要翻译成three -sms plus extravagance,听起来实在不合适。
新华社最早将“四风”翻译为four forms of decadence/undesirable work styles: formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance。简简单单两个汉字的英文翻译却拖拖拉拉一整行,足见汉语语言的魅力。
其实这“四风”的翻译还是有争议的,主要就是因为形式主义这 个词儿上。《现代汉语词典》对“形式主义”一词的有两种解释:一是片面地注重形式不管实质的工作作风,或只看事物的现象而不分析其本质的思想方法;二是 19世纪末到20世纪初形成的一种反现实主义的艺术思潮,主要特征是脱离现实生活,否认艺术的思想内容,只在表现形式上标新立异。
事实上,英文中formalism的主要含义恰恰是中文形式主义的第二个解释,而不是第一个。《朗文当代英语辞典》对formalism的解释就是a style or method in art, religion, or science that pays a lot attention to the rules and correct forms of something, rather than to inner meanings。
难怪路透社在去年11月5日转发新华社一条关于反对“四风”的稿件时,将bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance三个单词都原封未动地保留,唯独formalism却用了一个省略号代替:
PLA units have held criticism and self-criticism meetings and submitted reports to echo a Communist Party of China drive to clean upundesirable work styles such as … bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance.
不过,大概因为外媒自己也找不到更合适的单词来翻译形式主义,包括路透社在内的英文媒体现在已经逐渐接受了formalism在这个语境下的用法。也许在不久的将来,中国式的“形式主义”也会和“不作死就不会死”(no zuo do die)一样被收入英文的词典。
新华社将“八项规定”翻译为an “eight-point” guideline for fighting bureaucracy and formalism and rejecting extravagance among party members或是”eight-point” anti-bureaucracy and formalism rules。国际先驱论坛报(International Herald Tribune)把它翻译成an eight-point guide for official conduct,而新加坡海峡时报的翻译则是an eight-point directive to all local governments and ministries to keep things simple,真是英雄所见略同。
如果说Four forms of undesirable workstyles和”eight-point”anti-bureaucracy and formalism rules还让英语读者觉得像那么回事,可以望文生义,那么第一次看到”mass line”这个词组的外国人估计就要傻了眼了。
粗线条?质量线?其实这就是小伙伴们耳熟能详的“群众路线”啦。奇怪归奇怪,海外媒体对mass line的接受程度却很高,当然他们也少不了用通俗易懂的文字再解释一番。
爱尔兰时报(Irish Times)今年3月的一篇报道中对mass line的解释就是a political concept pushed by the communist leadership to make the ruling party more accessible to the public, more transparent, and to do away with excessive bureaucracy. (中国领导层推行的一个政治概念,目的是让执政党更加对公众开放,更加透明的同时去除过多的官僚主义作风。)
澳洲日报(The Australian)则对“群众路线”本身追本溯源:Mao Zedong had a slogan: “From the masses, to the masses”. Thus a “mass line” around the correct thought and lifestyle of the masses. (毛泽东有一句口号:从群众中来,到群众中去。所以才有了这个围绕正确的思想和生活方式展开的“群众路线”。)
关于这12个字,各家英文媒体的翻译也是大同小异。新华社将之翻译为”looking in the mirror, straightening the attire, taking a bath and seeking remedies”。纽约时报(New York Times)的翻译是the “check the mirror, fix your clothes, take a bath, see the doctor” campaign。
新加坡的海峡时报(The Straits Times)则译为”look into the mirror, straighten up, take a bath and cure their ailments”,这篇报道还继续解释说:To “look into the mirror” means using the party’s charter as a basis to evaluate one’s morality, while “straighten up” means self-criticism. To “take a bath” is to accept others’criticism, while “cure the ailments” means taking disciplinary actions against those who underperform。(“照镜子”就是要用党章来提升个人品德;“正衣冠”就是要进行自我批评;“洗洗澡”是要接受他人批评;而“治治病”则是对处 理党员违纪。)
另外,像“批评要有辣味,让干部红红脸、出出汗” (The weapons of criticism and self-criticism should be well-wielded, with some spice to make every party official blush and sweat a little),还有老虎、苍蝇一起打(take down both “flies and tigers” — junior and high-ranked officials who take bribes, steal assets and illicitly enrich themselves and their families)都是广受外媒关注的中国特色政治词汇。