Back issues 过刊
In August 2013 we published and printed some the previously edited issue (Vol. 1 No 1, June 2011) of Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP). However, due to high demands and practical concerns JCCP will be published quarterly, not biannually, from 2014. The contents of this issue will be included in the future issues. This is the only back issue we have so far and it serves as a sample.
Click HERE to visit the page for contents or download the e-version.
For a free hard copy please pay for postage HERE. Limited quantities while supplies last.
2013年8月,我们出版和印刷了一些以前编辑过的《中国比较研究》(2011年6月第1卷第1期)。但是,由于高需求和实际的考虑,《中国比较研 究》从2014年起将会是每个季度、而不是每半年出版。本期的内容将会被包括在未来出版的期刊中。这是我们至今出版的唯一的过刊,作为样本之用。