31 days of creativity with food


31 days of creativity with food

2013-11-28 大海、旅游、人

    马来西亚艺术家、建筑师HongYi(又名Red)最近进行的一个叫做“31 days of creativity with food”的计划。在餐盘的局限中利用各种食材创作出一系列风景、动物等景观,以此来促进自己的创作灵感。与她之前用瓜子、袜子等材料创作的大幅作品相比,这个不含暗示和攻击性的微型项目是单纯的日常美好片刻的记录。

Hong Yi gave herself a challenge, that in every day in March, she would come up with a piece of art and post it on her instagram. She could do anything but only had two rules: 1) She must only use food and 2) She must place them on a white plate, as her backdrop.

This has definitely been a very refreshing and fun exercise that is very different from what she has done before. It’s made her more observant of the food she come across each day; She don’t just shove them done her throat anymore… She notice their texture and patterns, the way they crack or fold or crumble, and how they react when in contact with heat or moisture or air…It has taught her to see joy and fun in ordinary, everyday items that I come across, and to paint and create objects as she feels and imagines them, not just as she sees them.

Read more at http://thedesigninspiration.com/articles/31-days-of-creativity-with-food/#LLCqouWHqtRyWJek.99

day 1:小西瓜漂流记 Watermelon Sailboat

day 2:蒙克《呐喊》My adaptation of Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’

day 3:在心里与秘密花园不期而遇 a tiny garden with a lemon sun

day 4:沙巴冲突,我的心随之沉入谷底 Pray for Sabah, with soy sauce and ketchup

day 5:总之,宝贝呀,离肯德基爷爷远点  ‘sonny, if anything, just stay far far away from colonel sanders’

day 6:世情莫测,其实只要有爱便已足够 ‘all you need is love…’ with cherry tomatoes, nori and soy sauce

day 7:葛饰北斋名作《神奈川海浪》的食物版~ My adaptation of Hokusai’s ‘The Great Wave’ with long-grain rice and nori

day 8:在火龙果里偶遇一条龙 a dragon in my dragon fruit

day 9:人生就是不断的放下,而最遗憾的是,我们没来得及好好道别。你过得好吗,理查德·帕克?关注微号“大海、旅游、人””Hello there, Richard Parker!” made of chopped carrots, white radish and dried prunes

day 10:扭一扭,舔一舔,奥利奥狗狗!这是最伤不起的一个作品,因为亚热带气候奥利奥夹心很容易化掉 dogs in my oreos

day 11:坎贝尔番茄汤罐头。原料是番茄酱,芥末酱和牡蛎酱哟!Giant Squid Attack! With squid and squid ink

day 12:救命!巨乌贼来袭!(用墨鱼和墨鱼汁做成的)Campbell’s Tomato Soup! …made of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and oyster sauce

day 13:班克斯街头涂鸦 Banksy on my plate

day 14:融化中的北极 Arctic melting

day 15:很久以前,有三只小猪。一只住在意面房子里,一只住在手指饼干房子里,还有一只呢,住在干辣椒建成的房子里~

day 16:竹炭面包狼鼓起腮帮子,呜的一声,就把蚕豆小猪的房子吹毁了!

day 17:第三只小猪获救的真相:它是皮克斯脑残粉!【飞屋环游记】

day 18:黄瓜版田园小景

day 19:催人泪下的洋葱猫头鹰゜

day 20:小巧的芭蕾伶娜

day 21:婚礼特别主题:未来只要“油”你,我什么都愿意

day 22:霸王龙大战梁龙,食肉和食草派终极对决!

day 23:大象马戏团

day 24:奢侈的LV香菇

day 25:郁金香花田

day 26:马来西亚国会解散,希望马来人民能在议会选举中做出明智的选择

day 27- 椰浆饭建造的吉隆坡双子塔

day 28:伊娃·朗格利亚在2010年met gala上的造型

day 29:法式金鱼清汤~金鱼是用红姜片做的

day 30:呆萌榴莲河豚~眼睛是龙眼

day 31:最后一天,致全世界可爱人们的感谢。谢谢你萌~

Day 14: Arctic melting
Two weeks ago, I gave myself a challenge, that in every day in March, I would come up with a piece of art and post it on my instagram.  I could do anything but only had two rules: 1) I must only use food and 2) I must place them on a white plate, as my backdrop.

I did this because I realised that my art projects were getting too big and too complicated. My last piece of Aung San Suu Kyi done with flowers was 3.5×3.5 meters, took an entire month of experimenting, and I had a crew of 20 people help me install and shoot the video.

While I enjoyed working on that piece despite the hard work, I thought I’d push myself to do something very different. My ‘creativity with food’ series has helped me push the limits of my creativity by forcing me to churn out new designs every day. It has taught me to not be too serious about what I do, but also to pay attention to detail and to work within the confines of a very small area. I’ve learned to slice, dice, stir, boil…who would have thought I’d need that for my art!

The first few days were pretty easy for me but it got a little more challenging when I reached day 7, the day I did ‘the Great Wave off Kanagawa’ with rice and nori. To create a clear image of the wave, I had to make sure the rice wasn’t overcooked, and had to lightly dab them with water to separate each grain. However, this was a problem too because the nori would shrivel up when in contact with moisture. I had to work on this for about 1.5 hours to get the effect right. The cherry tomato balloon one took 15 minutes.erotic massage

I keep a sketchbook with me where I jot down every idea that comes to mind. I shoot all photos with natural lighting, around 4-5pm when the light’s really nice and soft…this means I need to have my idea ready by around 3pm, so I’m usually rushing up on work like a mad woman in the afternoon.

This has definitely been a very refreshing and fun exercise that is very different from what I’ve done before. It’s made me more observant of the food I come across each day; I don’t just shove them done my throat anymore…I notice their texture and patterns, the way they crack or fold or crumble, and how they react when in contact with heat or moisture or air…It has taught me to see joy and fun in ordinary, everyday items that I come across, and to paint and create objects as I feel and imagine them, not just as I see them.

You can find out more about my project by reading my interview with Designboom!

(Follow @redhongyi.com to find out more, and hashtag #creativemarch to join.)






欢迎投稿:2659723980@qq.com 转载请注明出处

来源:(1) http://www.ohiseered.com/2013/03/31-days-of-creativity-with-food-weeks-1.html





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