The honours and awards we have attained in 2014.
- On the 30th November, Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as an Adjunct Professor at School of Marxist Studies, Northeast Normal University, China.
From 29 Nov to 1st Dec 2014, the ‘Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Professor Ding Kequan’s birth, and developing sociological discipline and theoretical innovation high-end forum’ was held at Northeast Normal University. Professor Xiangqun Chang gave a speech at the conference. She did her Master’s degree in sociology under Professor Ding’s supervision from 1984-87. Click HERE to see more details of the event and her memorial article(in Chinese).
At the conference Professor Li Zhongjun (middle), Vice President of Northeast Normal University (NENU), Dean of the School of Marxist Studies,represented the university presenting letters of appointment as Adjunct Professors to both Professor Lixing Chen (right), Kwansei Gakuin University, former President of Japan-Sino Sociological Association Japan, and Professor Xiangqun Chang (left).
- On the 29th October, Professor Xiangqun Chang received Mulan Award
On the 29th October, Professor Xiangqun Chang received Mulan Award. Dr Mee Ling OBE, Chair of judges of panel of the Mulan Awards announced that Dr Xiangqun Chang, Director of CCPN Global is the Winner for her contribution to education (top left), Professor Danny Quah of the London School of Economics and Political Science, presented the award to Dr Chang (top right and bottom left). Coincidentally, Professor Quah was Chairman of the Management Committee of CCPN (China in Comparative Perspective Network) at LSE before CCPN Global was registered as an academic charity in 2013. The picture at bottom right is Xiangqun with Mei Sim Lai OBE DL, Chairman of Mulan Foundation Network. Click HERE for more details.
- 2nd June Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as an Adjunct Professorial Research Fellow, Center for Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China
On the 2nd June, Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as an Adjunct Professorial Research Fellow in Center for Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China, by Professor Hangsheng Zheng (top left) . The centre established in 1984 was an important research institution of the Humanities and Social Science of the National Education Department. Xiaotong Fei has written an inscription for the centre(top left). The group photo(bottom) shows part of the researchers of the centre.
- 5th May, Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as Visiting Professor at School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Professor Daming Zhou was hosting Professor Xiangqun Chang’s lecture in Sun Yat-sen University, China. (top left) Prof. Zhou is the vice-director of School of Sociology and Anthropology in Sun Yat-sen University and the co-editor of Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP ISSN 2040-0837). Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as Visiting Professor at School of Sociology and Anthropology of Sun Yat-sen University by the director Professor Yingqiang Zhang. He is the editor of Qingshui Jiangwen Shu (33vol. in total), which has been collected by many universities since its publication in 2007.
- 28 April, Professor Xiangqun Chang was granted a letter of appointment as an Honorary Senior Fellow at the Research Centre of Discourse and Communications (RCDC), Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, China
28 April, Professor Shaojian Peng, President of Zhejiang University of Media and Communications (ZUMC) and Dr Xiangqun Chang inaugurated the funding of the Research Centre of Discourse and Communications (RCDC), ZUMC. She was also granted a letter of appointment as an Honorary Senior Fellow at the RCDC, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, Hangzhou, China.
☞ If you quote part or all contents from our website please provide source:CCPN Global website
- 11月30日,常向群教授与陈立行教授一起被东北师范大学马克思主义学部授予 “兼职教授”。
2014年11月29日至12月1日, 纪念丁克全先生诞辰100周年暨社会学学科发展与理论创新高端论坛在拱北师范大学隆重举行。图为常向群教授在大会上作主题发言。她于1984-87年在丁克全教授指导下获得社会学专业的硕士学位。点击这里见她的纪念文章。
- 10月29日,常向群荣获英国木兰奖基金会颁发的“木兰奖”。
2014年10月29日,全球中国比较研究会会长常向群教授荣获“ 英国木兰基金会”颁发的“木兰奖”,此为唯一的一项教育类奖项,首届木兰奖颁奖晚宴在伦敦金融城的德雷珀斯大厅举行。据木兰基金会介绍,“通过年度成就奖,旨在表彰和褒奖在英国和其他地方的华人女性,并通过建立一个成功的以及年轻的中国女性的全球性的顶级网络,指导、支持和互相帮助,贡献于更广泛的社区”。
- 6月2日,常向群被中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心聘为“特聘研究员”。
- 5月5日,常向群被中山大学社会学与人类学学院聘为“客座教授”。
左上图为中山大学社会学与人类学学院副院长、《中国比较研究》(JCCP ISSN 2040-0837) 共同主编周大鸣教授主持常向群的讲座。右上图为 中山大学社会学与人类学学院院长张应强教授为常向群颁发”客座教授“聘书。张应强主编的《清水江文书》(共33册),于广西师范大学出版社2007年出版 以来,在世界上许多大学的图书馆都有收藏。
- 4月28日,常向群被浙江传媒学院话语与传媒研究中心聘为“荣誉研究员”。
4月28日, 上图为浙江传媒学院校长彭少健和常向群共同为“话语与传播研究中心”揭牌。下图为部分研究中心荣誉研究员和校外兼职研究员合影。
☞ 如果引用本网页的内容,请注明资料来源: 全球中国比较研究会